Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?

I rarely see any audiophile talking about streaming audio digital sources from a computer. I understand MacBook can accept native lossless formats form all the various platforms, and it can store unlimited music files in any format, so supposedly it’s the best source, and the digital file is the most purest before it’s fed to the dac. Anyone compared the sound quality of computer vs other audio streamer? 


If you already own a DAC that has a good clock, galvanic isolation and all the I/O ports you want, you don’t really need a DDC.

@devinplombier My experience along with many others here is a bit different.  Adding a DDC can provide a better signal to a DAC, and even a DAC with a good clock benefits and sounds better by having to do less work to clean up the incoming signal.  Further, if your DAC accepts i2S and the DDC allows you to take advantage of that input the DAC is also freed from having to separate the clock from the data signal that can also provide significant sonic benefits.  I’d bet there are very few DACs that wouldn’t benefit in one way or another from a good DDC and is likely even more true if you’re feeding a DAC from a non-optimized, multi-use computer.  I’d encourage anyone with a DAC to at least try a DDC as it can be a relatively cost-effective way to provide very meaningful improvements.  That was very much my experience anyway. 

I use a Mac mini, with Audirvana, USB-out into a Gold Note DS-10. Everything sounds good. I haven't noticed any ground loops, noise or any other intrusions, but then again my current noisefloor on my amps isn't 100% silent and may be drowning out some tiny digital interference. 

I wouldn't mind experimnenting with throwing a DDC into the chain but I haven't yet. 

@soix Thank you for your post and your point is well taken. I'm against extra boxes on principle, but maybe further investigation is warranted here.

Adding a DDC can provide a better signal to a DAC, and even a DAC with a good clock benefits and sounds better by having to do less work to clean up the incoming signal.

I do use a DDC (Mutec MC3 + clock) and I do hear a small improvement, but the second part about why is purely a guess. You have no way to know why it sounds better.

What does "do less work to clean up the incoming signal" even mean? What work is being done?  The statement actually makes no sense.







What does "do less work to clean up the incoming signal" even mean? What work is being done?  The statement actually makes no sense.

@herman  When a DDC sends a signal to a DAC that has reduced jitter and noise from the USB signal the DAC has much less processing to do.  That’s the whole point of a DDC (along with providing more connection options) and what makes a DAC sound better.  What about that doesn’t make sense to you?