Has anyone heard the new Cary 303T?

There's a new top of the line Cary player, the 303T SACD. Has anyone heard it
and does anyone know the list price?
I'm interested to hear comments as well. The 303T is not their "top of the line" - that would be the 306 Pro CD/SACD player. The possible advantage for the 303T is the dual ss and tubed output option (the 306 PRO is only ss). I believe the list price of the 303T is $6000 while the 306 PRO is around $8000. I recall commenting to Cary on the warranty card that I got with my 211 AE monoblocks several years ago that they needed to make a version of the 306 (which I also owned at that time) with a tubed output. Looks like they listened to me. :-)
According to the Cary ad in the November Stereophile, "the new CD-303T
is, in our opinion, the finest CD/SACD player on earth". This must mean it is the
new top of the line and would cost at least 10K. It also doesn't mention the ss
output as an option which appears on their website.
I heard it at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest a few weeks ago at the Moon Audio headphone booth through a pair of Sennheiser HD650s. It was very good.