Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?

I rarely see any audiophile talking about streaming audio digital sources from a computer. I understand MacBook can accept native lossless formats form all the various platforms, and it can store unlimited music files in any format, so supposedly it’s the best source, and the digital file is the most purest before it’s fed to the dac. Anyone compared the sound quality of computer vs other audio streamer? 


@herman  Here’s part of your prior response and the possible source of our disconnect…

The DAC is doing the exact same amount of processing whether the incoming signal has jitter or it doesn't. The DAC operates exactly the same either way. The DAC doesn't have a circuit that detects jitter or noise and then "does more work" when it detects it.

No it does not do the same amount of processing if it has to deal with a signal that has more jitter.  By definition if a DAC receives a more poorly clocked signal it must work harder to clean up the signal than if it received a better signal.  That is the DAC having to work harder.  A DAC receiving a better signal by definition has less work to do to clean it up and can do it more effectively.  Maybe it’s the term “work harder” that you’re having a hard time with, but if a DAC has a clock that can manage 98% of the jitter that comes into it and the incoming signal contains less jitter then the jitter left after it re-clocks that signal has less remaining jitter and the DAC sounds better for it.  So maybe it’s just a matter of semantics and we can just agree that the less noise/jitter a DAC has to deal with the better it will sound, otherwise a DAC would sound the same regardless of the quality of the signal it receives, which you and I both have found is not the case.  Frankly I’m just happy you and I had the openness to even try a DDC and that we were honest about that the thing actually did provide worthwhile improvements as opposed to some others who’d just rather bury their head in the sand in total denial/ignorance…

As for the dude saying adding a DDC is just adding another box so can’t possibly help and is just a way for a manufacturer to make more profit, well that’s just stupid and not even worthy of a response.  Many, many people here have added a DDC and/or external clock and realized substantial sonic improvements, and while all else being equal I’d also prefer to have fewer boxes in the chain, all else is not always equal so sometimes the additional hardware and cables are well worth it.  I’ll say again, anyone who has a DAC should at least try a DDC and external clock because IME they can be relatively speaking a very cost-effective way to realize significant improvements.  Ok, I think this dead horse has been beat enough, so peace out.


@devinplombier I have commented on my Fibre based approach to streaming for about 8 years on this site. There are a couple of posts on this thread that gets into a bit of detail.

One thing to consider about my statements is that some genius level digital audio designers are also advocating the same approach as me. That is to use Fibre Optic cable, which is not the same as Toslink cable, as a moat before the DAC. A moat keeps intruders away, and in this case, it is the NETWORK noise from the upstream components, a computer, a printer, a security system, ethernet, etc ....

One thing to remember is that with the Fibre approach there is not much money to be made by the venders.

WiFi could also be great because the air could be the moat, but the solutions are not good at all at present. I have not used Aurelic gear, and they are pro WiFi. That gear is supposed to be very good.


@yyzsantabarbara I guess I was hoping to learn more about the types of components that make up your fiber chain, like end points, interfaces and such. If that was explained in previous threads then by all means please point to them. Thank you!

Guess you have not owned one in the last 20 years....

Win on Sunday sell on Tuesday. Ducati owns WSB and Moto GP. 


like the old motorcyclist adage :

"Ducati , making mechanics out of motorcyclist for a 100 years"

That is what the search function is for.

 I guess I was hoping to learn more about the types of components that make up your fiber chain, like end points, interfaces and such. If that was explained in previous threads then by all means please point to them. Thank you!