Verity speakers for $7k or less?

After some good suggestions for musical non-fatiguing speakers in thread so named - I'm focusing in on the Verity line. There isn't anything I've auditioned in that price range that've bowled me over. And if there were some good sounding speakers I ultimately found them too aggressive or fatiguing. Dynaudio Confidence 2s comes to mind tho they were otherwise impressive.

Other threads have said that you had to start midline and up with the veritys to get something satisfying for the long term. What would that speaker be? And can it be had for $7k or less? Thanks!
I might have to unbox the GLP 98 after all. I know it excels at warmth and sweetness over ultimate detail - and the Verities like detail. But it could be very good anyway.

I'm past the point of obsessing over maximizing the performance of my audio system. Just looking to have good sounding music around the house after a hard days work these days...
If you have the SLP98 it would not make any sense NOT to listen to it. There is no substitute for listening in your own room, with your own gear, since only YOU know your musical tastes.

You may find the combo extremely musical and satisfying. You must be very careful when chasing the ultimate in resolution, because once you've gone too far, it's no longer fun to listen anymore. That has just been my experiences. Resolution can be intriguing, to a point. Once you've past that point, it can become unpleasant. Many mistakes can be made by letting others tell you what sound you will enjoy. Suggestions can be helpful, but they can also be harmful. Make your own decisions whenever possible. Trust your ears.
I owned the Parsifal Encores with the second tweeter for 7 years, and used them with the Cary SL98P and an Audio Research tube amp, the combo was NOT too warm, it was actually fantastic.
Darn - I guess I have to unbox the SLP98's for sure now. Hopefully since I like the Cary sound to begin with, I would expect a well regarded $20k speaker to be transparent enough to serve up that sound without too much addition or subtraction in any case.

Maybe it's not playing to the speakers strengths but it should be a good point of departure at least. Of course that's a very dangerous thought....
I've never been a detail is king kinda guy. This is why I gravitate to the Cary house sound in the first place. But the rest of my system is tilted to the warm side with Cary electronics and Purist Audio Mueseus speaker wire, interconnects, etc.

I was just thinking if I bought a good enough DAC/preamp (like the new PS Audio Direct Stream) it could possibly balance things out. I don't want to go shy on detail either because from what I've heard the Verity does a good job with detail revealing it in a musical, non-fatiguing way.