Thoughts on Cardas RCA Caps

I am getting the itch to dabble in something audio with a minimal investment.  Cardas RCA Caps Signature have caught my eye and I'm curious to know if you think that I would hear any difference with my setup.  

I have a Pathos Classic One MkIII that I consider to be a well designed high quality integrated amplifier.  Because it's surrounded with my home theater setup I would expect that there is opportunity for RFI/EMI interference.  I use balanced interconnects, so I would be capping the five unbalanced connections.  The set of 12 would also allow me to cap the unbalanced output on my DAC.

I don't know that I have any real expectations, but if purchased from Music Direct they can be returned within 60 days and it seems like if any setup could benefit form them mine just might fit the bill.

I am a bit curious about what is meant by "preventing both EMI and RFI from entering the chassis through the RCA dielectric."  How could a dielectric pass EMI and RFI interference? 


I am with you on that mceljo! It is the best sounding amp I have ever had in my system and I was in the business. My main source uses the balanced input. Done lots of tube rolling and experiments with cables too. To me, the best sounding input tubes are Valvo CCa but only run them sparing and the Ampex P.Q. 6922’s are my daily driver, the Matsusmita 7DJ8/PCC88’s are no slouch either. I also use solid silver interconnects, speaker cable & power cords.

If you don't have an EMI/RFI problem, exactly what is it you're trying to fix?  Otherwise, just fancy dust covers.  But they do look nice.