Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which?

I have a pair of LRS+ and after playing with the set-up positioning for a while I have finally found the spot where everything aspect of the sound is right apart from the treble: it is simply too high, and is tiresome after a couple of records.

But Magnepan knows it and fit a pair of sockets to allow the user to play with 10W resistors, ranged from 1 to 2 Ohm.

The resistors that come with the speakers are not the best and some users refer that they affect the sound too much.

So I wonder, what are the best resistors to fit in the LRS+ ?


I used Mike Powell’s silver jumpers and fuse (inexpensive)  and they made my LRS+ sound great...Amp was Odyssey Khartago Extreme SE in small room

The supplied 1&2 ohm resistors kill the top end. That is why the Audio Connexion option for lower value resistors is very low cost… under $75 and likely to make a noticeable improvement. 

Hi Maggie 3.7i owner I'm using . 57 resistors, I find they tame the high and mids just enough. I tried some over 1 but found they just smothered the high end. As for cable I'm using Canare 4s11 a very reasonable but great sounding cable used in many studios 

Good luck happy listening. 

pureclarity - I don't understand why the Magnepan crossover upgrade is so expensive. I converted my 1.6's to an active electronic crossover, removing the passives, rewiring to the panels to exclude the fuse, using Cardas gold plated copper binding posts and it was less than $3,000 including a used second amp and four new interconnects. What in the world are they using in there?

BTW - I've been fuseless for 15 years. No problems.

LRS owner here. My set up is balanced w/o a resistor.

I 50 Hz high pass the input to My Cary CAD 200 amp driving the Maggies. I use a Rythmic 15 in sealed sub set to 50 Hz. The LRS are 4 feet from the front wall with the tweeters on the inside.

The sound is balanced and full range.