Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?

A while back I was very enthusiastic about these speakers. They look nice and supposedly supposed to sound very nice. I’ve heard them a few times and the level of precision and accuracy is very good. But is there too much science going on to create the speakers that makes them at times a little uncomfortable to listen to for more than a few minutes.

Are modern age speakers going nuts with all the science?


I wouldn’t call them scientific, but they do have their own sound in my mind. One of the best "scientific" attributes of Magico is the power response. The extremely wide and even dispersion makes these speakers throw an excellent image to a wide listening area.

At the same time, this means they need more room around them. Putting them in a cramped room is an absolute waste of money, IMHO, even for their smallest models.

From a tonal perspective, I find glass smooth but also a little cool on the top and (and I know everyone disagrees) I find them a little chesty. Female voices and piano registers to me have some extra resonance there.

Fatiguing though? Not when driven by excellent tube pres, which is the only way I’ve heard them.

Hey,  aren't you the guy who started an entire thread to announce that you will be gone to preserve your oh so delicate sensibilities until after the election? (a very high and mighty thread it was, if i vaguely recall)  Well, why are you back a month early??????? Bwaaaahaha... The election isn't even over yet dude. What's with this type of flipflopping? You say one thing (in a high and mighty fashion standing up on the pedestal)...and do another? Hey...not looking good


If a speaker is revealing like that...they will not only showcase the weakness in a bad recording....they will also highlight the weaknesses of your room, including any lack of symmetry or close reflections.  

Magico speakers are looking great but I’ve never been impressed how they sound especially in regards to their price. In last Munchen audio show, Joseph audio listening session was quite more impressive in term of reality and music imersion 

I have had Magic S7's driven by VAC amps and Preamps for 7 years. They have never been fatiguing in the least, even after 6-7 hours of listening.  We frequently have guests over for dinner and music and I have to drag them out of the room to get some sleep.  It seems that perhaps Magico speakers do best with tube amplification.