The cathode circuit is quite sensitive to (subjective) parts coloration ... not surprising, because both grid and cathode are the two input nodes for vacuum tubes. The difference is the grid circuit has very low current flow (but not zero) while the current flow through the cathode is nearly the same as plate current (the full audio signal). This means the full audio signal flows through the cathode resistor and the bypass capacitor, and the tube amplifies any errors in the cathode circuit the same way it amplifies any errors in the grid circuit.
Designers have been assuming for a long time that the grid current in normal Class A or AB operation is negligible, but I don’t think that is true for DHT triodes. They demand very high performance drivers with very low distortion into a complex load, which is where RC-coupling falls short.
The primary merit of transformer coupling is its efficiency, with 95% to 97% of the driver plate current available to the grid of the DHT triode. This is NOT true of RC coupling, where 30% to 50% of the driver plate current disappears into a plate-load resistor, where all it does is heat up the resistor. A dynamic load like a current source is more linear, but the transfer efficiency (between tubes) is no better than RC-coupling, so the unused current goes into a transistor heat sink instead of a resistor. Dynamic loads are also more complex if good performance is desired, with cascoded stacked MOSFETs, with secondary protection diodes, as the most reliable and best option.
Transformer coupling is absurdly simple, with no need for a grid-protection resistor, no coupling cap, no plate load resistor, and no circuit board for the cascoded MOSFETs of a current source. Just wires going to tube sockets.
I suspect the 95% to 97% transfer efficiency of transformers is the reason for the vivid tone colors that are the hallmarks of any IT-coupled amplifier. You hear it immediately, which why Don and I hope more people can hear the Raven preamp with the matching Blackbird amplifier.