Microphone recommendation for recording 2 channel demos

Looking to record sound demos from a smartphone but looking for a better microphone. Something like sound sommelier. Unfortunately he doesn’t disclose what mic he uses. Budget would be $500. Thx



YT video OP mentioned is dubbing I believe. It's not live recording. In that YT channel, the owner wrote "Live" for live recordings in thumbnail pics. Almost his recordings at his shop are dubbed.

I recommend WA-103 mic which is under $500 now. It's only natural sound mic in the world. Alex/WTA

@mihorn i think it is a real live recording of the system... what would the point be of a dub? The whole point is to let people hear the actual system (albeit through youtube)


@yoyoyaya Im open to even the h5. I really wish i could get that sony but i need it for friday and no stores I can see in ontario carry it.

@OP - The 5 does have the advantage of recording to SD, rather than micro SD cards. But any of them or the Sony will give you better sound and more editing flexibility than a smartphone.

Best of luck with your video/recording project.