Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update

If you haven’t heard about Ken’s story, it’s an interesting one and will punctuate the importance of balance in life.

Here’s somehting I cam across with how much his system actually went for:



Does anybody really believe a Washington Post Article? To me that’s the amazing story here.

I just recently unsubscribed from Washington PooPoost. That Bezo baldiluscious locks bubba’s too ugly (bobigly)....and I kept seeing the ghastly when I tried to read it...

The auction prices don't tell us much except what equipment brings in a short sale window with unknowns regarding condition and costs of removal and transport. Whatever the system might have sounded like in the space where it was designed to sit couldn't be assured somewhere else. It might be sad to think that the equipment would be sold for used parts value but that may be the truth of it.

I tend to think brunomarcs is on to something. Plenty of examples of really poor parents by which to compare. I find it hard to believe that some many of you (us) believe the printed word regardless of the source. To accurately understand this family dynamic would require spending time with all the parties involved. 

I'm looking forward to the upcoming Netflix special on his life. Apparently the depth of all he did was not well covered in the Post death articles and his videos.