Pre amp recommendations

My current setup 

Gr Research NX studios with 2 subs  

PS Audio M700’s amps

Denefrips Pontus dac

Bluesound Node. Streamer
Anthem AVM 60 surround processor 

i have good cables and XLR where possible  

So, I’ve been upgrading recently and I have to keep my AV system integrated with my 2 channel system. I am very satisfied with my system now but I keep wanting to improve it. 
I believe my Anthem is the weak link here. 
I’m looking to install a dedicated 2 channel pre amp with theater bypass. I’ve been looking at Musical Fidelity M6s, PS Audio Gain Cell, and Parasound P5 or P6. 
Would this be a worthy addition?

I have a Parasound 2100 pre laying around but I feel it wouldn’t be an improvement over the Anthem AVM 60 processor. 



I will also recommend the BHK preamp.  I added one to my system and it made an improvement that I was not sure was possible in my room/system.  The system is much more real sounding, has increased sound stage front to back and top to bottom, a bit more decay in the notes, a generally more musical presentation, and  I seem to have lost a boominess in the lower frequencies and the harshness in the higher frequencies.  I don't know if you will realize all the benefits when using the Node.  I replaced the Node early on and the improvement was easy to detect - I wanted to start with the best signal I could afford as I improved up the chain.  

 Were you using the internal dac on the node?  I’m using the Denefrips Pontus dac and that’s what started me wanting to upgrade more. Much more natural sound. 
Do you think I should still upgrade the node even though I’m using the Pontus dac?