Coda 11, Schiit Tyr, JC5 or ???

Poured over the forums but seeking repl. for Rogue Medusa.  Sold my Parasound 5ch beast and had regrets at the sale-demo.  Miss the gutteral full bass.  I'm done with ClassD. It's got detail but lacking fullness Want more musicality and like a good soundstage and prefer ClassA/AB.   Tried tube rolling.  Max budget $4k new or used considering Coda 11, JC5, Kinki M7, or new Schiit Tyr pair. All in budget used.  Recent Tyr favorable review in Absolute Sound. Need power for pairing with 4-Ohm CSS towers with Audible Illusions L3A pre.   

Appreciate opinions?



I have had several Schiit products and I liked them all, however I have not heard the Tyr’s so cannot comment. I do have a Coda #8 and it checks your boxes. Power to spare and very musical. I am guessing the 11 is not that different. 

@adamsherman  What class D amps were you listening to?  I’m finding them to be more similar to AB these days.  Personally I’m using Orchard Audio ganfet amps and enjoying the synergy with tube preamp. For solid state I have Schiit Aegir monoblocks which are very good Schiit has a new dual mono amp called Wotan.  Worth trying with their 15 day return window.

McIntosh MC 352. Not sure about the synergy with the AI preamp but a plethora of used MAC preamps out there. Another bonus is resale value/repairability and many potential buyers when(if) ready to sell.

Has anyone compared the Schitt Wotan to the Tyr monos. My CODA #16 is going up for sale sometime this month and I need a low-cost temp amp for a while, or I may have to park my Yamaha NS5000 speakers for a while.

I need some cash for the RAAL 1995 Immanis headphones and they are not cheap.