Amp for the new Watt Puppy speakers

Haven’t seen much info on these speakers since they came out. Upgraded my Yvette’s with the new Watt Puppy’s. Currently using a McIntosh MA12000 and looking for recommendations on new power. Would like to go separates but not sure if I should go mono blocks or stereo. Going to try D’agostino. What else? Open on budget. 

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I recently acquired an Audionet PRE G2 and Amp 1, I highly recommend you give this brand some consideration. 

I have the new WP and they are amazing.  You’re going to love them. I bought a D’Agostino S350 to go with them and I’m very happy with how they work together.  I’m using McIntosh C2800 preamp which I already had.  Again, sounds very good but I think the C2800 is the bottleneck.  I like the sound of a tube preamp with a SS amp.  So I’m on the hunt for a good preamp.  That being said the D’Ag is an exceptional amp paired with the WP.  Others to consider would be Pass, Burmester, and AR.  Good luck and have fun!!

You should only consider solid state. The best I have ever heard the Wilson speakers were with a lower watt tube amp, but as they turned the system up it turned into a mess. I dont understand why Wilson doesnt make more an effort to make their speakers easier to drive.