Ken Fritz's $1M Dream System update

If you haven’t heard about Ken’s story, it’s an interesting one and will punctuate the importance of balance in life.

Here’s somehting I cam across with how much his system actually went for:



Why even speculate? The man is dead and built what may have been a great system. So ridiculous, these days, to attribute negatives to the pursuit of perfection. Spend your money your way and extend the same courtesy to others.  

Let's be perfectly honest. Most others don't have a $1 million dollar system but still have relationship issues with family.

There is possibility the family drove Him crazy. I feel also He did not get the support and understanding from his family. Sometimes people around are more than enough to drive you crazy.

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True most people dont have $ 1M dollar systems. But who cares? Making judgements about how much we spend on anything takes us down a dangerous path.