Shootout of Nos 6sn7 tubes

I will have shootout between TS BGRP, RCA vt231, KR vt231, Syl vt231, Raytheon vt 231 and "Bad boy" next weekend.

If I get MELZ 6N8S 6SN7 Metal Base next week, then I will also include it in shootout

RCA5691, Psavne Acme 300B, Psavne Acme 805 are also being used in Line Magnetic 508 amplifier.

Speaker will be Lansche 4.1 with plasma tweeter.

Digital source will be Dave and HMS fed by ripped CD stored in ssd drive of Cocktail audio x30.

I will play

Eva Cassidy's 'Autumn Leaves"

"Trinity Sessionn " by Cowboy Junkies

For classical orchestra, "Trittico" directed by Fennel.

"Still harry after all these years" will be for fusion jazz.

Any more suggestion gentlemen and ladies.


Some people try to define which is the best 6sn7 tube.


But after going through more than 50 kinds of 6sn7 and variants, around 20 of them are pretty good.


The choice will be dependent on system and personal taste.

Vintage tubes are like vintage wines.

I sometime rotate between the tubes to taste different flavors.



Agree it’s very difficult to say which 6SN7 tube is best.  We all have our preferences and our systems vary greatly.  For my system the Melz just stand out and hit all the marks although several others sound great just different.  I also like the analogy of fine wine…many taste good but with subtle differences in flavor.  Fun to rotate them for different moods.



It is indeed fun to rotate the tube depending on your mood or music.


But be sure to use socket saver.


Otherwise, it will be lot of work to replace tube socket in your pre or main amp.

Just 2 cents.


I also had tried four different kind of 7n7 out of curiosity 2 years ago.


Although they sound clear and detailed but lack overall musicality compared with vt231 or 6f8g tunes.


I got the impression that they sound rather thin in my system.


But 7n7 tubes are reasonably priced.


Thus you may try them for fun or different flavor.


You never know until you try them in your system.


It need adapter.



Thus no more interest in 7n7.



Good morning

can you tell me please which is the "less tubey" 6SN7 tube?

I mean, the more transparent (to the recording), the more detailed, not warm or coloured, precise, with great bass clarity and definition and soundstage too?
