A Turntable History Question

In late 1981, or January of 1982, I took a couple of my ward sisters out to the theatre (it was a Brian Rix farce at the Apollo). Returning to Harrow, I dropped off one of them and was invited in, where I saw her husband's turntable. It was suspended at each corner by many rubber bands, and years later I assumed it was an SME that I had seen. Now I know that SME were not making turntables at that time, I wonder what it was?


I can't recall anything that was on sale in the UK at that time that used rubber band suspension.The Hi Fi Choice turntables booklet edited by Martin Colloms covered pretty much everything that was around including exotica like the Trio 7d and, working from memory I can't recall any rubber band suspended TT.

One of my classmates at engineering school in the mid-80's had his turntable suspended from wall mounts with rubber bands.  Fully DIY but effective since the floors in the old student ghetto houses where a bit dodgy.

A very smart person I used to know hung his Advent speakers from his ceiling on springs.  And yet, I would still claim he was very smart.  Smart people sometimes do dumb things.

@travelinjack ...Now, that sounds like a 'hack attack' by one who'd seen one of those tables, but couldn't afford or find one that he'd trust to dorm drones.... ;)

Although, given the era, it makes sense on a tech level.  It'd be interesting to see a SOTA version, but I'd likely not get in que for one....

So you had a well hung rather than well suspended turntable?

I have a mental picture of exactly what you are talking about but only the SME 30 comes to mind (c. 1990)