Linn Abandons CD Players

What does everybody think?

On November 19, manufacturer Linn Products held a press conference in London to announce that they are ceasing the production of CD players.

They have maintained their focus on server based system controllers. With the improved data streaming and the ever changing format of digital technology, doesn't this sound like once again Ivor Tiefenbrun is leading the way when the common wisdom is not quite there yet?

Remember back to the late seventies, Ivor was there doing demos when many, many an audiophile was of the belief that the turntable had little or nothing to do with the sonic quality.

Do you feel we're their (yet)? Or that the rest of the industry (aside from our Scottish friends) is seeing this as a paradigm shift, dropping the red book CD?

Happy Listening!
I'm all for downloads instead of physical digital discs. Haven't had a transport for over a year. But that is because I rip CDs and play back from hard disk. What scares me is what a poster descibed above about going into Best Buy and seeing 1/6th the number of CDs. Downloads are OK if at CD resolution (16/44.1) or greater, but most are not offered at this resolution. If the major labels move to downloads only, but offer only mp3 quality, then audiophiles are screwed. Niche web sites like, our old CDs, vinyl, and tape will be our only sources for at-least-CD-resolution recordings. So, keep the CD around until all downloads are offered at at least 16/44.1.
Pettioficer, you're right. Same goes for photos and home movies. I backup everything to another disc, and also send it to offline storage. There are companies that let you store an unlimited amount of data and only charge you if you need to download it back ( which hopefully will never happen). This way you're protected even if the house burns down.
The point is to create a free floating Format that can be instantaneously changed from one week to the next. That way, there would be endless revisions to make an endless stream of profit off of. Imagine if you took the LP, 8-Track, Cassette, CD, SACD, and Audio DVD. Imagine if you were required to replace your entire collection every day of the week with one of these Formats. Imagine on any day of the week that ALL MUSIC would only be available on that particular Format. Imagine the profit that could be made off of this. Now imagine the same type of floating Format based on Downloading. Next week the Websites completely change their Format for Downloading, and now all of the thousands of dollars that you have spent on your existing equipment is now useless for downloading. You replace your Equipment and pay the Website to reload, untill next week when the Website decides to change its Format again, why?
P-R-O-F-I-T! Who is going to complain-you? What can you possibly do about it except suck it up!