Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD

I have been sitting on this useless $6,000.00 paper weight for some time now. Multiple attemps have been made to MF in England but they do not get back to me. Does anyone know how to get in touch with these people? I can not let this rest, and I refuse to buy or recommend any of their products.
Rick Walker in Charlotte, NC was doing service for them last I heard. Talk to him if you haven't. I knew him years ago and he knows what he is doing.
Talk about deja vu. I just saw the exact same issue today with the exact same machine.Infact the words VERY EXPENSIVE PAPER WEIGHT were used.
Anyways,it appears you are not alone by any means.I have heard numerous complaints from other audiophiles as well.
If its the transport mechanism which I suspect it would be as just about any other part could be repaired. Musical Fidelity were not the only ones caught by the manufacturers descision to stop supplying this specefic transport mechanism . I beleive Emm labs and others were stung by this as well. This was not isolated to Musical Fidelity and is not a real picture of M F ,s quality. If you check the archives I beleive there are threads on this issue. I would be as pissed as you as well for the cost spent. Rick Walker as mentioned as far as I know still repairs Musical Fidelity.
Had the same issue with my kW SACD. MF left me on the side of the curb. if not for my great dealer, I would have been totally screwed. I will NEVER buy another MF product.