DCS Scarlatti

Hi Folks:

Yesterday I listened to the complete DCS Scarlatti including a brand new outboard D to D converter. Nothing compares. DCS has always been the finest digital that I have ever heard and I am wondering if someone could compare the sound of the prior stack with the Scarlatti.

Happy Holidays.

CT Audio Society
Under your "system" it appears you have already owned the Scarlatti full stack for some time now. Am I missing something( is this a second version or something)?
the thing with DCS is it is absolute. There is no sugar coating. I think EMM labs has a warmer presentation, and may be more forgiving of the rest of your system. However if you want the finest source I know of no other that comes close. The Scarlatti has a purity and the ability to let you observe any aspect of the recording or performance as opposed to a one trick euphonic pony. It is uncanny what it is capable of.

At this level of gear you will be fine whichever one you go for, but if you just want to listen to music and not get drawn into the ins and outs of each recording, go for the EMM lab or stick some tubes in front of the DCS.
Budt, I sad that going to buy, so I did it!
Yes, I'm that fast :)
Really I'm totally impressed!
After changing power cables from stock ones to good ones it is just another level of resolution and timbre accuracy!
With Emm I never was happy about midrange: voice and piano reproduction.
Berkeley is better in this and Scarlatti is much better.
And I never expected new level of resolution!
You know shakers in Rebecca Pidgeon's Grandmother?
Every shake must be different...
So, with Scarlatti I feel even the movement of send inside shakers.
WOW!!! That was fast...
Thanks for posting your opinions.While the Scarlatti is out of my league I think I want to try the Berkeley.

I once used Esoteric P03+D03+G0s and found it have high resolution but at the same time clinical so I just afraid dCs go the same path especially dCs is using the Esoteric drive too.

I like the emm Labs sound, I just not satisfy with its reliability.


Congrat to your new purchase.
