Speaker cables with good timbre

As the title says, i would like to hear recommendations on a pair of speaker cables, copper, that have a very good midrange, imaging and truth of timbre or faithful reproduction of instrument sound. As i get older i started to realize i value those characteristics the most when i listen to recorded music. Thank you in advance.


@squared80 purposely going into a cable territory and saying things that square80 is saying deserves a ban.

@squared80 if cables don’t matter, I want you to explain to me why my new cables have 70% less bass the first 12 hours of ownership.

my speakers have 4 10-inch woofers with 4 dedicated internal amps powering each of these woofers, they are not bass shy. So when I say 70% less bass because of the cables for the first 12 hours, it is serious. Please explain to me why this is so or gtfo.

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