Speaker cables with good timbre

As the title says, i would like to hear recommendations on a pair of speaker cables, copper, that have a very good midrange, imaging and truth of timbre or faithful reproduction of instrument sound. As i get older i started to realize i value those characteristics the most when i listen to recorded music. Thank you in advance.


Don’t go into a cable section and call it snakeoil or this and that. If you do, you should get banned IMO.

Naysayers don’t take the time to question whether the purity of the conductor matters or not. The type of conductor, the quality of the connectors and the solder process. The geometry. Thousand of different variations. How can a respectable person not take this into consideration. 

The connector by itself is a huge variable even though it's just a small part of the cable. 

Post removed 

@decooney Yes I did, case and point. You should so what of the other two? Fair and balanced boy. yesdevilcrying Love the shmoose like you coat hanger dude. 

@decooney @tkrtrb125 


How about the two of you stay on subject rather than slumming it out with at hominem attacks? This forces everyone else to wade through totally unproductive and unpleasant stuff.


Enjoy the music