Bluesound icon vs Nad c700

I currently have a McIntosh 352 which I plan to use with either of these setups. I am looking for a streamer for my digital playback that I can use tidal/ roon ect.   The new icon seems to fit what I am looking for but I found a Nad c 700 in my local area for sale for a great price.  It has preouts so I believe I could feed it into my McIntosh and use it in the same way.   At this time I wouldn’t be utilizing its power side but it’s nice to know it has it.   Any reason not to get the nad (especially since I can get it for a lot less ) ? 

Powering a set of b&w 703s if it matters 



The most useless feature on a music streamer is a screen. Every single one of them uses your phone or your tablet why would you get up every time to change your music out?  Also, you have some nice stuff, look at something that will compliment the Mc. 

I don't know anyone who has the Node Icon. Has it been released yet? I have not even found a review. My guess is that it will be out by mid December 2024.

you are better off with a node or better streamer then either. if the budget allows 


Dave and Troy

Audio  Intellect NJ

Nad, bluesound Atoll, naim dealers 

So the node icon is a better streamer. I guess that is my question.  What streamer as that’s what I will be using it for ? 

The newest Node Icon has dual DACs. To my knowledge this is the first time Bluesound has offered this feature. Unless someone has been to an Audio show with a Bluesound booth and has heard the Node Icon I am not sure who can answer your question.