300B Tube Amps with 15/16 Watts Per Channel?

Felix Audio makes the dual 300B amp "Lybra"--are there any other manufacturers of that gear?.Does anyone have experience using two each 300B tube amps modified to be two monoblocks with 15/16 watts output power each? If yes, did you hear any difference in the exquisite 300B sound other than more power? All experiences and thoughts appreciated. (Yes, expense is already noted)

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@vthokie83 Yes, the Blackbirds measure out at about 24 wpc. I know Aric and he builds seriously good tube gear. He is a master craftsman. That said, I wish you could hear the Blackbirds with the matching Raven preamp:) It would be a different experience and I would be very interested in your take on the comparison...

Don, I suspect I will get that chance one day.....in the not too distant future. He's already talking about adding the Raven, which I encouraged......but not my money.

My friend is building speakers that can run on 1-watt. I was asking him what 300B amp (preferably mono) he would recommend. He came up with this and said it is easy to mod it to make it sound even better.

DECWARE | Audiophile Tube amplifiers & Loudspeakers