Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.


I was thinking of the oddball use case of a wall-wart powered DAC driving a Purifi Class D amp module directly. Stupid, I know, but I bet some folks have tried it. I imagine it would (just barely) work. It certainly wouldn’t sound good, though.

Measurements would probably be fine, though, if the DAC module had a decent op-amp output buffer.

For anyone interested who perhaps has a Raven already...  Spatial has one last pair of the original pre-production Blackbird amps that they are going to sell at a discount.  David will post them on his site shortly.  If you are interested you can find them.....

I’ll amplify Don’s post. The last pair of pre-production Blackbirds are most likely the cheapest ones you will ever see. Spatial Audio Labs will try to hold the line on prices, but there are a number of imported parts in the Blackbird amplifier ... the European-made Monolith transformers, various cathode-bypass capacitors, and other key parts. If the proposed tariffs materialize, that will affect the build cost not just of our amplifier, but many other audiophile components.

I’ve got my fingers crossed the proposed tariffs never appear, but if they do, nearly all audiophile components will go up in price. If you are thinking of a major capital investment, now is the time to buy.

Well.... here we are.  It happened.  We now have a tariff war and I happen to know a number of parts in the Raven come from Canada.  Others are European so let's hope the USA doesn't get into a tariff war with Poland or Belgium.  There are some American parts too..... Like everything else, the Raven contains parts from all over the world, but it is built in the USA.  I suppose I should stop typing.  Since I am in Canada there may soon be a tariff on my words:)

Let's hope the Tariff war will end soon through negotiation and co-operation.