New Rega DAC

It's rumored that there will be a new Rega DAC coming out soon. Anyone have any info?
Check out the silflex glass mini optical. It is reasonably priced and seems to be well reviewed.
The toslink output is shared with the headphone output, from what I've read. insert the mini toslink end into the headphone jack, and you should be good to go.

I haven't used a mini toslink, so no opinions from me. I use a full sized glass toslink cable - Sonicwave - that I bought on Amazon for about $25 shipped. Excellent cable IMO.

Great DAC BTW. I'm loving mine. As good as the Apollo is, and it's certianly deserving of all the great press it got, the DAC is far better for the same price.
Thanks Joshti. Will do. I also plan to check out some of the USB/SPDIF conversion cables. In the meantime, I'm doing some research on these 5 filter settings, and rediscovering my extensive CD collection, which has been gathering dust since I was bitten by the vinyl bug a few years back.

Interesting that filter #5, the minimum phase apodising filter (for CD playback) seems to be the same type of filter used by the famous Meridian CD player. For more plain english info. see (Filter #4 in that paper is actually filter #5 in the Rega DAC).
Does anyone have an issue with the RCA jacks on the Rega Dac in terms of grip? Everything looks to be solid build quality on the Rega DAC but the RCA jacks look to be flimsy and of inferior quality. They don't look like they belong on DAC made by Rega IMO. If I didn't know it was Rega I would have thought it was a much cheaper DAC. Does Rega offer an option to improve those RCA jacks?

Rega DAC rear.

What's the issue as far as grip? Are your interconnect cables coming loose easily, or are the RCA jacks wobbly?

I don't have any issues with mine. I didn't throughly inspect them, but had no reason to. If it helps, I used Audioquest King Cobras, which seemed a bit loose on everything (no more loose on the Rega), and now use Kimber Heros with locking RCAs.