Realistically Speaking.....

Ever bought anything from CL that turned out to be a better purchase than you expected? I just picked up a Realistic STA-120B receiver today that looks brand new to me, down to even the power cord (it is still shiny brown). It has been in the same family since 1973, when it was bought new. All controls/features work as  they should, although I have not tested the phono input yet. If that works, it will be the cherry on top. It is my understanding from research done before buying it that Hitachi was the actual manufacturer, and that quality shows through in the use of the controls and the sound the unit produces. Simply amazing after over 50 years!


A couple of years ago I scored off Craigslist a pristine condition BAT VK-P5 for $600.

Year before that I got a pristine condition Odyssey Audio Stratos for $200.

Picked up my power amp from CL, drove 3 hours each way to pick it up. Original owner, never touched, very well taken care of. 

Funny when I got there, he told me, there has been a ton of interest, and the price went up $200! But it was still a good price, so it's in my rack now.

My speakers are from eBay, a local girl was selling off all her Mom's Hi-Fi, had an entire storage unit filled with amps, tuners, speakers, amps, etc.. Like she must have had an entire system in every room. Really wish I spent the time to go through it all, should have picked up several pieces. 

A couple years back on CraigsList for $100.00

Pair of T+A Criterion T100 speakers in my system now (excellent speakers). Onkyo receiver, Yamaha TX-540, Thorens TD-250 turntable and a Philmore ST1000 step up/down transformer, all from the original owner. Sold everything but the speakers. 

Also recently picked up 10 Maxell UD XL 35-90B, 7" reel to reel tapes, sealed in the factory plastic wrap for $150.00.