Kevemaher, I agree about the Zu’s. I’m not a fan of any speaker with whizzer cones ... mechanical crossovers have a whole host of problems that do not respond to electronic correction. (Mostly time-domain distortion and energy storage.)
The latest generation Klipsch Cornwall is actually pretty refined, but is way out of your price range. To be honest, there aren’t many good, efficient speakers in the $5,000/pair price range. Just finding a well-engineered 2-way, never mind the efficiency, isn’t all that simple. I lean towards British products like Spendor, but they aren’t cheap, and usually need a fair bit of power as well.
I admit I am quite biased because I design my own speakers and electronics, and do not follow the audiophile mainstream. I think the last commercial speakers I owned were KEF 104’s in 1975 or so. Everything after that was by my own hand, and I gradually moved away from the direction that audio took in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
Also, I don’t have the skills to design a speaker that hits the $5,000/pair price point. Value engineering isn’t my thing ... others are way better at that.
To loop around to the original question, you should try a 200 to 500 watt Class D amp and see if that meets your desire for more headroom. My guess is that it will simply expose the dynamic limitations of your existing speakers, but you don’t know until you try. How can you tell? Play the music you know well and compare to your existing amplifier, with no change to your EQ setup.
If you gain headroom, great! You just saved a lot of money. Pat yourself on the back and stop right there. Sell your existing amp and enjoy the brave new world of Class D amps. But ... if it’s your speakers that are the limiting factor, well, you need more efficient speakers, end of story.
And I feel really bad telling you that more efficient speakers might make you more dissatisfied with your existing amplifiers. More efficient speakers have a nasty way of exposing electronic colorations ... not just noise and hiss, but Class AB transitions and grain-n-grit as well. That’s why there is a lively market in the 8 to 35 watt power range.