thanks for the vote of confidence, the Burmester website only lists one in Vancouver but there's actually two I don't know if both of them are licensed dealers but nevertheless both of them have Burmester product.
Burmester 218.....
I am glad to see Burmester is being talked about on these forums, they are superb gear in my opinion.
if you haven't had the chance to hear the 218 do yourself a favor and take a listen, I started my Burmester journey with a 956mk2, upgraded to a 911mk3, upgraded to the 216 and have now settled on the 218
going up a level with each amp they all got better, more dynamics, deeper/wider soundstage better control, you name it, drastically better. the speed and dynamics of the 218 is as good as I have heard in quite some time
just wanted to share some of my journey and joy of owning Burmester, highly recommend.
acmaier3, sorry but I don't work for SIM audio I just say what I heard when I compared both if you don't like it tough luck for you, don't care if you believe it either like everyone knows everyone's ears are different right? so I'm entitled to my opinion, and did I ever say that Burmeister was crap actually I said it was very very good if you look at my threads that I wrote but it wasn't as good as the 861 especially way in the background details I can hear things from the 861 that I wasn't hearing with the Burmester, so if you can't accept that go read another thread lol |
acmaier3, Obviously then you have never heard a w8, an 870, 868 V2 or the 888's or read any of the reviews on all of them, when two $50,000 each amplifiers start buzzing and the reviewer says they still sounded great everyone knows that reviewer was full of sh t, he obviously has lost all credibility, he should have stopped the review said he was sending these two amps back and getting two others to review and see if the same thing would have happened, everyone that's read the review has agreed that that's what should have happened. |
stable genius indeed! @immatthewj you humorless troll! (I love it ) PS: I am opening a Simaudio dealership on this bridge
the walls will be built from Burmester 911s.... |