rotel 1072 skipping

hello  my hotel 1072 was purchase with some b w 804 s, since the first, it started skipping , bought new power, am using vibration mufflers, nothing works  any ideas? thanks


It it is new, return it for another.  If it is not, send to Rotel for repair.  

The Rotel 1072 CDP came out in 2004. I assume you bought it used, and just guessing not that long ago.

JMHO, it would not be worth the cost of shipping plus cost of having it looked at only to find out parts are no longer available to repair.

You could try cleaning the laser. Something as simple as a pet hair could be causing it to skip.

The white lithium grease on the laser sled rails could be contaminated with dust or what ever preventing the laser assembly from moving freely on the rails. The rails could be cleaned and new high quality white lithium grease installed on them.

Could just be a worn out laser... Or it could be, ???.

A quick check on the Net shows the Rotel 1072 sells for around $250 to $300. Not sure I would spend that for a CDP that could be 20+ years old...
