In need of a preamp with a prominent display

Right now my Threshold 400A is paired with Freya+, but the Schiit’s ergonomics suck. It sounds fine but my old eyes want to see prominent visuals of inputs, volume settings, and modes from across the room. So, I want exquisite sound with a “bell and whistle” that’s usually found on the basic consumer offerings. I’m almost ready to drop some larger coin on a MicroZOTL MZ3 unless anyone can suggest a less pricey option.


Not sure how big of a display you need. PS Audio has their BHK preamp on special for $3500 but it’s out of stock…may be worth waiting. 
Audio Research LS28 is another option but it’s most likely more expensive than $3500 on a used market. 
Solid state Pass XP12 is also a good choice around $3500 used.