Why do preamps improve sound of CDP?

I have tried listening to my CDP through my preamp and bypassing my preamp going from CDP directly to headphone amp. If I go through the tape out of my preamp the sound is even nicer than direct from CDP to headphone amp. Why is this?
In 10 words or less... better loading of amp by preamp than by CD player.

You can find a lot of commentary on this if you search through the archives for threads on running CDPs with volume direct to amp, or on threads about passive attenuators.
CDP probably has a poor quality preamp or your headphone amp has a low impedance input (poor quality headphone amp) or you are passively attenuating the signal.

A well designed preamp (high input inmepdance and low output impedance with good output capability) allows you to couple equipment together with no loss of signal quality - this is a well known fact.

Of course some people just insist that passive attenuators or no pre-amps in the path are better becuase of "purity" or "less-is-more" principle and nothing I or anyone can say will persuade them differently.
Depends a lot on the CDP. I found out the hard way (room full of fanatic DIYers) that my own pride-and-joy CDP, a Raysonic CD 128, sounds totally underwhelming through a passive. Sounds terrific in my system, coupled to an Aesthetix Calypso linestage , and I figured it would sound that way everywhere. "Twas not to be. Dave
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