PS Audio BHK signature preamp

I was reviewing another preamp post and stumbled upon a recommendation for the PS Audio BHK signature preamp currently half price ($7,000 - selling for $3,500) directly from PS Audio & (unfortunately) decided to research it. I say unfortunately, as I was not looking to buy a preamp.

It has excellent reviews, the audiogon forums speak highly of it, it is the perfect size, has an excellent HF amp (I need one), uses the same tubes as my Rogue RP-1 (I have some excellent NOS tubes) is fully capable with my Logitech Harmony One remote… seemingly a match made in heaven. I want it… and if not happily married, I would get it.

So looking for someone to talk me out of it. I know it will give me a good HF amp, full remote vs partial remote control, and better pride of ownership, vs an albeit excellent ‘entry’ preamp. But given my other components, will it sound the same, slightly better or significantly better? Is it too good for my system? Would I be better off upgrading another component? I currently wasn’t looking to upgrade my Rogue, but this seemed to be too good to pass. My current system:

Rogue RP-1 pre with NOS Telefunkon medical, Siemens nickel plate & Brimar CV4003 NOS tubes (rolling)

LSA Warp 1 amp

KEF R11 speakers

Rythmic F12SE sub w/miniDSP equalization

Aurender N150 streaming Qobuz

Chord Qutest DAC

Pro-ject 1Xpression carbon classic with Hana ML cart

Rega Aria phono stage

Focal Clear OG HF

Transparent + speaker cables, Mogami 2549 interconnects & Maze audio power cables


Prior to seeing the PS Audio deal I was considering the following upgrades:  (I am very component space constrained in my choices):

Pro-ject TT > Rega P8

Warp 1 amp > Benchmark AHB2

Please let me know your thoughts and/or recommendations.  Thanks!


The below info is direct from the late Bascom King when i was looking into the preamp and asked the same questions to my dealer. Direct from BHK: "No problem! 10K is an easy load. it can drive loads down to 1K. There are no series output coupling capacitors to roll off the low bass either."

Also running all my gear balanced and tested the Coda 8 balanced as well.

Re. the 250 vs Coda, frankly I would be super happy with either. By a touch sweet I meant its not dry or analytical. It will dig in and show up tremendous detail and depth, just not in a sterile way. Its polished like a top Hegel kind of sound. It might not have 100% of the "bloom" or kind of halo-space of the tubed BHK but its insanely good and from the moment you have the pre with tubes in there should be totally fine. I am contemplated actually to change to the Coda as in the future will be driving electrostats. BHK has nearly twice the filtering capacitance of the No.8 but 1/3 of the 8’s power supply. Would joke that the Coda has its own gravitational pull! hhaha.

@audphile1 @yyzsantabarbara & anyone else

I was looking at the Simaudio Moon 330a. It is the perfect form factor for my existing space. It probably would be a compromise over the Coda (less class A etc) but would (I believe) be a significant improvement over my Warp 1. Not sure of its sound signature, but it appears to be neutral in reviews. 
The question I have is how much of a compromise would it be? How would it match with my BHK pre & KEF R11’s? 
Thank you!

@signaforce 330a is a nice amp. But I believe it might be a bit forward with your Kef. When I compared it to Pass XA-30.8 in my system I preferred the Pass. And my speakers are probably slightly warmer than the Kef.

I would stick with Coda. It has the right amount of sweetness up top and plenty of  resolution without getting cool or forward sounding.

@signaforce I am a bit conflicted in recommending the KRELL 300i integrated or the KRELL Duo 175XD (I see my old one up for sale). The reason being that KRELL is a ___show as a company at the moment, so you are taking a risk. Though people like George Myer Audio in Los Angeles can repair KRELL. Since I am close to LA I would likely go with the KRELL.

I liked the KRELL Duo 175XD more than the CODA #8 v1 and the CSiB. I like the CODA #16 over all of them. I have not heard the new CODA S5.5 but it only has 50 watts (with curent) and I always want more power with KEF.

The amp I would like to experiment with you BHK preamp is the new SimAudio 761 from the North Collection. They may sound great together. It is a better Benchmark AHB2 to my ears. The AHB2 would also sound good with the BHK. I used the AHB2 with a Schitt Freya+ tube preamp and KEF LS50 Meta and I really liked it. Though the Freya+ was not my fav gear.