Bryston Bdp-3 Issue?

Have Bryston Bdp-3 and Matching Bda-3.

When running Jays Transport for Cd's sounds good

When I run Tital thru the Bdp-3 its upper mids and highs are somewhat out of Balance

New streamer?  Suggestions


Can’t comment on the BDA-3 but I would definitely not call my BDP-3 bright. I’m using it with an Esoteric K-05XD via Siltech 380 USB.

BDA-3 isn’t bright either. I owned it. I’m willing to bet it’s not the streamer and not the DAC that cause brightness. Something else is going on there. 

Thanks for the info Guys.

Maybe internet service/modem.

Thinking about getting a second service Like dsl to see if there is any improvment

over cable modem