What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds?

Amplifiers include tubes (if not solid state), big transformers, lots of internal wiring, Power supply, cabinet, gain controls if you're lucky, connections for incoming and outgoing cables, Computer chips,  Control panels, semiconductor boards, design choices, age,  etc.

Of all this stuff, what contributes the most to a change in how an amplifier sounds?




Take two SS amplifiers that produce a perfectly linear response from 20Hz to 20kHz. How is it they can sound different? My hypothesis is the answer lies in the amount and type of harmonic distortion, and what mix of harmonics dominates the distortion profile. Conventional class AB SS amps tend to be low in distortion overall, with the third harmonic the highest in level. That’s why it’s often difficult to tell them apart in a blind, level-matched comparison.

The less conventional sliding bias and zero global feedback designs (Threshold, Coda, Ayre etc) that produce more “bloom” in the midrange tend to have a more complex distortion profile in which the second harmonic is often nearly as high or even higher in amplitude than the third. I think it’s for that reason that such amps can sound remarkably similar to a push-pull AB tube amp. The same applies to some class D amps. A couple class D amps I recently had in house (Bel Canto E1X and Axxess Forté 1), sounded remarkably similar in the high freqs to an average KT88 or EL34 push-pull amplifier. Where they differed from a typical tube amp is they didn’t have the elevated midrange and upper bass response. Turns out those amps have higher 2nd order distortion than a typical SS amp, especially the Forté 1, which happens to be 2nd order dominant according to one magazine’s bench test.

Parasound’s John Curl amps also tend to be second-order dominant. IME, some of that midrange bloom comes through in their sound when matched with a transparent preamp. Though they are generally low in distortion and noise, they sound considerably warmer than an amp like the Benchmark AHB2. After living with an AHB2 and many other designs, I have come to the conclusion that our ears (if still healthy) are far more sensitive to distortion and noise than was claimed by many industry objectivists. That isn’t to say it’s the best sounding amp subjectively, rather, that you can hear the difference when A/Bd against more conventional designs.

Personally, I find that relatively affordable amps can be remarkably good these days, when they have the right synergy with the paired speakers. The amplifier sound quality/cost ratio is quickly catching up to that of DACs and sources. We are already past the days where one need spend the equivalent of a good used car to get true high performance amplification.


Okay, with so many opinions it seems no one here actually knows the answer to the question. Uh boy!

I gave the answer..., output impedience.

The frequency response of an amplifier will vary with the output impedience when pushing a real life speaker load, and not some fixed value resistor used to determine the power.

The lower the output impedience, the flatter the frequency response across the band. An amp with a high output impedience may vary by several decibels across the band when pushing a real life load.  You can't get around Ohm's Law.

You will hear a difference of several decibels across the band far more than the difference between say 0.01% and 0.001% distortion, or...


@emergingsoul The secondary thing is the distortion signature of the amp, which audiophiles call the 'sonic' signature. This is in turn caused by something called the 'transfer characteristic' of the amp. The transfer characteristic has something to say about how the amp responds to transients, in particular those that overload the amp. It also says what sort of distortion will be produced, for example if based on a quadratic exponent, the 2nd harmonic or a cubic exponent, resulting in a dominant 3rd harmonic.

These two harmonics are treated by the ear much the same way in that they are innocuous. But intermodulation distortion is not and also plays an important role that is defined by the transfer function.

If you want to know more about this, read this article which starts at page 35 at the link. It might be more than you want to know, but it does answer your question correctly.