Kubala-Sosna Imagination?

Long story but I have a credit at an online store and may use it for a pair of Kubala-Sosna Imagination (SE) interconnects ($250). The Imagination is their entry-level cable, and my limited experience with cables is that sometimes cable makers put their design energy into the high end of their line, offering the bottom end as an afterthought. I'm not interested in buying a name. 

Any thoughts on the Imagination? Is it good enough to use throughout a system?



Try it if there’s a return policy. If it’s TMR you’re talking about, you should be covered. Could be good cables. Search the internet and the forums here for reviews 

Thanks. It is TMR and I trust them. I've found many positive comments here about the higher-end K-S cables, but not the Imagination. 

Kubala Sosna cables are good , but the question is will it match your system? The only way to know is try it.