Need help/advice on choosing a new CDP

My cdp is on its last leg - it's been refusing to read/play most of my CDs for quite some time now, so I need to find a new one soon. I was thinking about getting an "entry-level" CDP, which'd actually be an upgrade from what I currently have, a Denon universal player. I know what you guys are thinking ... a universal player?! I'm fairly new to audiophile so please excuse my ignorance. I mean, I've always been interested in audio but I didn't know much at all until I started putting together my first system a few years ago. Now I know better ...

Anyway, enough rambling ... I thought I could find a decent CDP for around $1k (or hopefully a little less) to replace my DVD-2930CI but now after some auditioning, I'm not so sure. I was considering the new Rotel RCD-1520, Jolida JD100A, Rega Apollo, and Arcam FMJ CD17. So far, I've heard the RCD-1520 twice at the same store, once with Jolida tube amp which sounded OK, and once with Rotel's new integrated stereo amp which makes it too forward sounding (and not enough depth plus details are lost). I've also heard the Creek Classic CDP with the Jolida amp which didn't sound good to me, and the Jolida JD100A with the Rotel amp which sounded too bright (and hence fatiguing, the sound's somewhat recessed but overall detailed) at the same store. With all the problems Apollo (and Saturn) owners have reported, I'm hesitant to get one. I still plan on auditioning it alongside the Arcam CD17 at another store soon. I am pretty confused and overwhelmed now as it looks like I'll have to spend quite a bit more than I thought. I don't want to buy something that sounds just OK to me ... Some CDP ideas I got from talking to audio dealers/stores and doing research online are: Creek Destiny and CD50 MK2 (already obsolete though), Simaudio Moon CD-1 and CD.5, Arcam FMJ CD36, Shanling.

If you have any CDP recommendations for me or can share your experience with any of the players I have mentioned, that'd be very helpful. My current setup: Jolida JD502B tube amp, 2x B&W CM7, AudioQuest cables and interconnects. I listen to all kinds of music (except rap). I am looking for good detail and some dimensionality in the sound.
Don't fool around, get the oppo 83SE. Best part is you can try it in your system to see if it meets your expectations. If not back it goes.
Speakers can make a huge difference in the sound of a system. If at all possible compare things in a system as close to yours as possible. I was in the same situation as you awhile back. I wanted a new player because my was beginning to have problems and a replacement transport was no longer available. I went to a dealer to hear a specific player that had gotten great reviews. I was not impressed at all with the player when I heard it in the dealers system. Later I heard the same player in a system with the same amp and preamp that I own. I was amazed at the difference in sound. I ended up buying that CDP that I had passed up a month earlier.

Some CDPs seem far more system dependent than others. The Cary did not seemed to me to be that system dependent. It is well built and a really nice sounding player. that is why I mentioned it. Cary also has great customer service which to me was a concern. BTW I don't own one but I have heard one both in my system and at a dealer.
Used Cary 303-200. Very smooth, detailed, high quality--I'm using it in a pretty expensive system & have never had the urge to upgrade. I don't know how it compares to the Cary CDP-1, but it's hard to go wrong with Cary gear.

PS--you can probably upgrade your CDP quality enormously by buying used vs. new......
Thanks again, Lostbears. I see.

And thanks everyone for their recommendations!

Looks like I have a lot more research and auditioning to do ... I'm at CES this weekend so hopefully I'll get to do a lot of listening and pick up some useful info.