Kubala-Sosna Imagination?

Long story but I have a credit at an online store and may use it for a pair of Kubala-Sosna Imagination (SE) interconnects ($250). The Imagination is their entry-level cable, and my limited experience with cables is that sometimes cable makers put their design energy into the high end of their line, offering the bottom end as an afterthought. I'm not interested in buying a name. 

Any thoughts on the Imagination? Is it good enough to use throughout a system?



Thanks, @audphile1, and I certainly agree about TMR. I don't really *need* new interconnects, I just have a modest credit and want to do something with it. I suppose I could leave it in the TMR bank for now?! That would show a restraint that I don't generally have....

Hahaha. Yeah leave it there or give these cables a try…if you do let us know how they are

There aren’t any reviews of the Imagination that I could find, and I’m not sure I’d expect much from a bottom-tier interconnect at $300 MSRP (and that’s with dealer markup!) even if it is from K-S as it incorporates very little if any of the materials/geometry that make their upper-tier offerings so desirable.  I’d skew more toward a very good used interconnect like this Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref ll that you can get for $300 but currently retails for $920 at The Cable Company.  And if it doesn’t work out you can likely sell it for little/no loss.  At the very least there are reviews and it’s at least a known quantity instead of a total crapshoot.  Just my $0.02 FWIW, and best of luck. 


Thanks, @soix. That makes complete sense. I couldn't find any reviews either and I can see that it's a different technology than their upper-level cables. I'm sure I can put my credit to use at some point ... soon!