It is December 1, 2024 - Do you know where your Caladans are????

Anyone received their Clayton Shaw Caladans lately?   Speaker baffle supply was suppose to be in good shape starting sometime in November.

Coming up on 1 year since I placed an order for walnut Caladans.


Hopefully that wasn't sent from his yacht off the coast of Tahiti. 

I do hope it works out for you. Good luck.

Tahiti does sound good, especially in winter.

We are building and shipping like crazy, so we are getting through the backlog. 

For shipment updates, watch for our ETA Update posts on our forum, instead of depending on the speculation found here. You are also welcome to contact me directly at any time at 801-631-2994 or

Forum link:




And what before my wonderous eyes should appear..........walnut baffle caladans.  Would post a picture if this forum didn't make that so hard to do.