Maggie LRS vs .7

I just did some searching here but surprisingly didn't find much on this topic. Maybe I'm not asking the right way?   Anybody have direct experience comparing these two?  I ask because there is a local used pair of .7 that I am watching.  I currently have the LRS being driven by Hegel h360 integrated.



Have experience (still own) both LRS and .7 with (still own both) H390 and 590.  I think the .7s had all the great sound of the LRS and more.  Still fast, just a larger sound.  Both were great choices. I’d be interested in trying 1.7s, but have gone the opposite direction (decware with Harbeth SHL5), and need to sell some stuff before I buy anything else.

LRS and LRS+ sound great with a pair of the little REL T/Zero MKlll subs...I tried based on recommendation from Johnny R. ...

If you are looking to buy, get the .7’s and a subwoofer or two. If you have a large room to fill, consider a bigger pair, but the .7’s can play pretty loud.

Hello pkatsuleasz!  Grab those Maggie .7s!  Put the modified crossovers from GRS labs in and you'll be delighted. I you don't care about cosmetics, you can cut the fabric on the backside over the factory crossovers - cheap parts. Worried about placement? Hang a rug or tapestry behind them and quit worrying. I have both the LRS and the LRS+, both modified (yes, the LRS+ is plus indeed), both running with subwoofers. (I prefer them to the sound of the Linkwitz 521-4 which is the best cone sopeaker system I've heard. I built it from the Madisound kits.) The biggest Plus is that the sound from the maggies is coming from a larger radiating surface - it's bigger and provides all the detail on the recording. Happy listening.

If you have a small room, then a Magnepan Mini maybe better than the LRS+.  The Mini has better detail and a better top end to my ears. I bought a used Mini for $1k so it was comparable to the new LRS+ I had. I went from a larger room to a smaller and changed the LRS+ to the Mini.

I am currently listening to the Mini with the CODA #16 amp and the Schitt Yggi+ OG DAC. I have never heard a Maggie sound as good as this. I am also using 10AWG speaker wire from Blue Jean Cable. I wrote elsewhere that the cheaper 10AWG wire was as good as my 20x more costly Audience FrontRow on the Maggies (not with other speakers)