DAC Advice needed.

Hey Guys, at the suggestion of several A'Goners I am considering adding a DAC and using my Yamaha DVD S1800 universal player as a transport. I don't want to spend a fortune and sound quality is important more so than video. The Yammie has 4 Burr-Brown chip sets I believe, will I benefit from an external DAC? If so, what would you folks recommend?

Which upgraded power supply are you using for the V-DAC?

OP, I too have a V-DAC and it sounds pretty darn good; it does require some break-in, however.
Little Pinkie, from Scotland, runs just under $200. My wife got me one for Christmas.[after considerable hinting] He makes upgraded PSs for some other MF products, headphone amp etc. Appears to be made well and I think it is a worthwhile upgrade to an already very good product. In HIFICRITIC tests it [V-DAC] has beaten others costing $2000 and more. Check the British sites for users comments on the Little Pinkie.
Thanks guys, lots of food for thought. I appreciate all the great suggestions!
Stanwal, can you characterize the improvement offered by the Little Pinkie on your V-DAC? Is it worth it? (aside from the convenience of the on/off switch, which is nice).