I stress these are my own opinions and experiences and would in no way seek to diminish the experience of others who can justify the additional expense.
I can understand that streamers are not all the same but we may have a situation here, where once you reach a yet to be determined sweet spot there will be little sonic value in spending more. My question is; has the diminishing returns argument ever appeared more appropriate than applied to the realm of the streamer?
I guess I am suggesting that a streamer is a relatively simple machine that can be implemented at many levels. I recall using a PC in the past but software and noise were always an issue. So I get that a dedicated box is the way to go but beyond the use of a decent power supply, utilizing a well thought out circuit designed to reduce noise and populated by good components, there appears to be little opportunity for sonic improvement in employing super expensive esoteric components etc.
So short of the aesthetic and case work being pleasing on the eye and having a psychological feel good factor, it leaves GUI and software to consider, do you need a screen what services are available on the platform is their software upgraded regularly etc.
However for me, paying beyond a certain price/quality point for a standalone streamer is simply wasted money that could return more sonic bangs for the buck elsewhere, Namely the Chord Company DAVE DAC.
There is a school that suggests 30% Streamer and 70% DAC. Based on some recent listening in my system, I am going to stick my neck out and suggest as high as 20/80 Streamer to DAC could well be appropriate.
Now where this ceiling is with streamers has never been easy to determine and no one seems to be able to suggest a price beyond which there is no discernible sonic benefit.
Since the original questioner asked what would be the better upgrade, I believe it to be by any measure the DAVE DAC. It leaves some space for enjoyable experimentation to try a couple well regarded inexpensive streamers, some mid price and one or two "High End" ones. Hear for yourself via a resolving high quality DAC and make your own mind up.