Location of compoments.


I'm reading Jim Smith's book "Get Better Sound". He notes that, if possible, do not locate your audio rack between the speakers, better off to one side. I would guess over 50% of audiophiles have their equipment exactly where he says it should not be placed. Needless to say, I would need 20' long speaker cables to reach the farthest speaker. Not very cost-effective or practical. 

Any thoughts? Do most have their electronics between the speakers?


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 Agree about rack off to the side. I have my amp on the floor between speaks, slightly behind them. Rack to the left, slightly behind them. 3m balanced IC pre to amp and 6 ft speaker cables. Excellent center image.

Like most things in life, it all depends.  Especially if you have a TV between your speakers which are all in close proximity--bad idea.  

In the case of my audio room, a small rack is 5 feet behind the speakers.  If anything, it probably helps imaging by maintaining perfect symmetry in my room.

Remember Michael Green, the guru of speaker placement/imaging?  He also felt this was the way to go.  

So it all depends.

Do what your room and budget will allow.

Just no TV between the speakers.

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