Integrity Hi-Fi tru-glider tonearm

Wondering if there are any tru-glider tonearm owners that can say that it surpassed their expectations or if in fact it's better than what you were previously using? Also does anyone have a comparison to the Kuzma 4 point 9" arm vs the tru-glider?




Search archives for a long, contentious, and useless thread on this tonearm. No one compares it to the Kuzma. I have become an advocate or at least a defender of underhung tonearms, but the Nasotec headshell on the TG vexes me. 

Curious to see an underhung arm that only comes in longer lengths than conventional offset arms.

Last I looked, you can buy a 14-inch Viv Float, if that floats your boat.

I just took in trade a Kuzma Saphir for a Glider , would you like to purchase the Kuzma? $18200, or would you rather buy the arm the  client purchase for $7500.

What is more important to you?

That it makes sense or the fact that it sounds much better?

The length of the arm wand has no consequences on the play back.

There is no fixed pivot point.