Tom suggested tring a bypass capacitor on the 1uf bypass capacitors on the tweeter and the mid speakers , I found a pair of .01uf Cardas capacitors and installed them on the tweeter I can highly recommend this "upgrade" . I only did the tweeter because I think these were the last 2 capacitors for sale since Cardas stopped making their golden ratio caps a while back (bummer) .
I’ve occasionally thought about trying something like that or, maybe, Path resistors in the coax feed. But I also remember buttoning up the binding post panel after I added dual Cardas binding posts as the culmination to about 3 months of upgrading everything except the drivers and cabinets. That was no small effort. Meanwhile, I remain really happy with my system. Recently heard $80k speakers connected to similar price point electronics and I’m not missing much. In some ways, I actually prefer my rig. Thanks again to Tom Thiel for coaching me during the upgrade! Happy 2025