Laser assembly for YBA CD1a

Hello, does anyone know which laser assembly - manufacturer - the YBA CD1a uses? I have my player from the early to mid 90's and wouldn't mind stocking up on one or two lasers for future need. thanks
Wow that's an old one;
How come you don't see(hear)the benifits of a new gereration player?
This is why I am asking, it is in that gun metal grey finish and is very striking. Right now keeping it for looks alone so would like to stock up on some lasers then get something more current.
Seems Indulgent!
A few months ago my Sony SCD-1 stopped reading cd's.
Instead of investing $350 in a 10 year old player,I sold it as a transport.
With those funds I purchased XA5400es and am thrilled-
It's much improved/modern then the SCD-1.
Balance,clarity & groove w/tube like presentation