So it seems most of you agree that the Separates DAC/CD TRANSPORT by Goldmund and PS Audio are a better option than a $2000 range more updated single unit Cd Player....
I begun this thread because a friend of mine made a comment on my gear, according to him, my GOLDMUND MIMESIS 12 DAC is totally obsolete , he claims that any CD-DVD Player "over the counter" at Walmart or Target beats my Gear simply because they have "newer" technology, regardless of anything else, such as parts quality, shielding, the fact that they are DAC/CD Transport and very well built by 2 respected manufacturers.
He thinks like a Computer Geek , he puts in perspective the fact that any new computer perfoms better than ANY 15 year old Computer. No matter if the old computer was a top of the line $10,000 USD computer on that time, he says any $400 USD desktop beats it.
That makes sense, but he claims that the same rules apply to a DAC, that in retrospective, a DAC is a computer, decoding the bits on the CD, so that it why he claims any cheap CD-DVD player of today, can beat ANY 15 year old or more CD Player or DAC, simply because the decoding technics are much better today...
I try to put in to context other factors, such as parts quality, design , etc. But he I could not change his mind....