is a SCAM

I personally know an individual who was scammed by this website and lost money. The website looks legitimate with actual photos of equipment, but the equipment was never delivered. The manufacturer of the equipment was able to verify the serial number of the equipment, so it looked legit, but this is a very slick scam. Beware!

Moral of the story: use a trusted seller.


Thanks for the warning.  Although I’m sure surprised that they are still in business or that someone hasn’t taken matters into their own hands.

...which, when applied IRL.... makes a pause for the cause of nearly everything....

As the lovely smirking mid-Ms sez from her eye-level post reefer corner every morning pending:

Once you realize
nothing makes sense,
it all makes sense.

Thanks for the heads up. Caveat emptor for sure. There are too many scams online.  Appreciate you sharing so someone else doesn’t get scammed. Hope everyone is safe and sound in the new year.

Glad you posted this,.. thanks for the heads up!

Many people would not take the time and post this info glad you did!