Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu

Santa Claus drops a pair of speakers under your tree in the middle of the night, what do you choose:

  • Pearl Acoustics Sibelius
  • Ohm Walsh 2000
  • Zu Union Supreme 6
  • Bonus Option: Something from Decware with a Lii Song Driver

Extra credit if you add an amp < $5k to the wishlist.





The Ohms

i already have planers and monitors. Omnis would add a new flavor to my speaker rotation.

How many on this site have even heard the Pearl to give an opinion? I doubt many have. Are there any dealers here or are they manufacturer purchase direct from France?

I have not heard them. But I have been watching the Pearl Acoustics channel. So I feel that I know a lot about them. And I have read a lot about ohm and Zu as well.