Fiber or Eithenet

I need to pull new cable from my router / Small Green Computer Music Server to my DAC (Bricasti M1S2 with nexwork card).  Which should I pull and why?  Differences.  I think about WireWorld for the ethernet. About an 80 ft run.


If your streamer/dac can accept fiber directly (as my Lumin X1 does) it was a BIG improvement!


@hollandw I’m curious about the iFi pro. Will probably give it a shot. My streamer only accepts Ethernet  

As to Ethernet cables, I periodically replace my Purist Audio CAT7 with Linkup with same result every time. I guess I’m still hoping to not hear the difference but the Linkup, which is a nice cable, doesn’t hold a candle to Purist. 


@audphile1 I say go for it, I was really surprised at how things improved in my system. There's a toggle button at the back of the Lan Pro which turns off the tacky lights which I can't stand. Also, you'll be needing a separate iFi Power Supply, I'm using my Lan Pro with an iFi Ipower X. The stock one is no good.

@chipcalzone definitely on my list. With music direct return policy it’s low risk. And I’m glad to hear there’s a way to kill those LEDs. 

I too use the Lan Ipurifier Pro between my router and streamer.  It makes a nice improvement for not a lot of money.  I use the IFI Silent Power with mine.  Currently running Supra Ethernet cable both before and after the Lan Pro.  Thinking about doing as @hollandw mentioned with a short run of better Ethernet between the Lan Pro and my streamer.  If anyone has a recommendation please feel free to chime in.  On another note, my Cardas Clear High Speed USB cable just stopped working out of the clear blue while music was playing.  This is the second time for this cable.  The first one arrived DOA.  Anyone else had a problem like this with a USB cable?  Just as well, based on several recommendations I’ve read about here on A’gon, I just ordered the Stealth USB, so hopefully will have better luck this go around.

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