If I am buying a DAC, does my CD player matter?

If I buy a DAC, and my CD Player is just a transport...doesn't that mean the CDP is nothing more than a machine that spins a disc and pass info to the DAC? Wouldn't the DAC's sound overrides the CDP's so therefore it wouldn't really matter what kind of CDP I have?

I am asking because I read alot about the synergy between transports and DACS and don't really understand how it all affects sound quality.
Thanks for all the great responses. Blindjim, at this point I hope ignorance can be bliss....

I have the Audio Analogue Paganini 192/24 that I bought here on Audigon, BUT I noticed the other day it did not have the "Rev 2.0" letters at the bottom left corner. It looks identical to the Rev 2.0, which according to the Audio Analogue website, has the TEAC CD Rom. I am unable to find any information on the the non-Rev 2.0 version and I can only assume mine doesn't have the TEAC. Argh, if only I had known or waited?

I have yet to buy a DAC and am thinking of getting the North Star M192 MK2...but I find myself wondering/considering if I should upgrade to the Rev 2.0 Paganini.
Hello, I am having a VRDS transport with 20 bit DAC and I need to upgrade to 24 bit DAC as externally. Please suggest
best macthing external DAC for my VRDS transport.

without hearing each I suppose it'll have to come down to you getting those options you want instead.

As to the NorthStar, I've seen a bunch of info here on the I2's interface that says it is superior to the normal digital interfaces of coax & BNC, etc., so that might be something to look into prior to making a choice between those two DACs, BUT it requires the transport to have such an interface as well... and the NS trans does.